Listed below is a readiness-to-serve charge, which is applied to all general metered service accounts. It is based on meter size and is added to the consumption charge. **All meters are read at the end of the month for the current month's charges and bills are sent out by the 1st of the month. The bill is then due and payable by the 20th of the following month. If payment is not made by the due date the late fee will be added.
This price reflects basic 3/4" meter connection to our lines within 200ft distance price & labor. Any additional boring or extension of line needed will be extra. Please call our office for a direct quote for service.
Our policy on re-connections are processed if called in prior to 3:00 pm the same business day. After 3:00 pm it will be processed the following business day. If your water bill is PAST DUE and not paid by the 5th of the following month you will be subject to cut-off. We will not accept partial payments or PAST DUE after the 5th, entire bill will be due and payable.
Late fee will be assessed after the 20th of the month if entire bill is not paid.
If meter is tampered with, unlocked, or damaged in anyway by someone other than authorized personnel. Second offence will be an additional $50.00 with possible law enforcement to be called.
If the meter for service is already in place only a $50.00 deposit is required on each account. For water connections $50.00 required and additional $50.00 for sewer connection. New meter requiring sewer connection is a $500.00 sewer membership fee along with deposit. If current meter is turned off a re-connection fee will be charged, if meter is active a $10.00 name transfer fee will be charged along with deposit only.
3/4" Meter Size Minimum Bill $25.00 minimum base (includes 2500 gallons)
Tier (gal.): (including 2500 Gallons)
2,501 to 10,000 $4.85/1000 gals
10,0001 to 20,000 $5.10/1000 gals
20,001 to 50,000 $5.35/1000 gals
50,001 to 100,000 $5.60/1000 gals
100,001+ $5.85/1000 gals
1" Meter Size $41.67 minimum base
1 1/2" Meter Size $83.33 minimum base
2" Meter Size $133.33 minimum base
3" Meter Size $250.00 minimum base
4" Meter Size $416.67 minimum base
Monthly Fees
First 1,000 gallons per month: $30.00
All Excess of 1000 gallons per month, per 1000 gallons: $1.75
Minimum Charge : $30.00
New sewer membership (if no original tap available) $500.00
The Anderson sewer system is owned by the Town of Anderson. All new hookups are to be approved by the town prior to being installed.
Regulatory assessments are 1% of charge. Bluebonnet ground water district $1.00 charge per bill added.