The office is open for payments and setting up service/account transfers ONLY.
We are NOT selling ANY supplies or parts. We understand that what we have on the shelves may look like product to be sold but it is for our own use. We do not and have not had any water heaters, storage tanks, softeners, etc.. in a long while either.
Thank you for understanding!
We accept payments in many ways:
In the office! (1212 Becker Lane, Anderson, Texas)
Online payments and Auto pay at Payment Service Network
Go to -> water/sewer payments and click the “Pay your bill now” link to direct to PSN. You will need your account name and number to access this.
Mailing in payments to our P.O. Box
Anderson Water Company
PO Box 447
Anderson, Tx 77830
Placing payments in the blue drop box beside the office
Call to make payments
(936) 873-2941
Anderson Water Company has been a family owned business since 1942. We serve the local areas of Anderson, Roans Prairie, Shiro, and Richards, Texas.